Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Love facebook-ing! :D

I hearts facebook-ing! :D

Okay, let's start from the beginning of today.

Went to school around 7 plus, fever finally subsided after 3 panadols. As Syukri would say, it's 'belly' effective. *laughs* Slacking & waiting for school to start as mt need not revise. Chatted w/ sf about swine flu then Mr Tay was like saying bird flu & pig flu, make me wna laugh lahhhhhs.

The test was delayed eh but overall the paper was okay but if add w/ my paper1 and oral might be a fail. Well, at least I tried my best, I guess? :x

After school, homed. As usual, on my lappy to go facebook. Fun discovery on friends for sale!, even though some part not nice. I kept on laughing about it luh & my sore throat worsens & it's so f.pain! :( Then, Irwin called w/ jk's hp after I sms him about smth related to it eh, his laugh abit contagious? Then, like more more pain, arghzxc. Stupid sore throat, z. Soon got bored w/ it and start abit of emaths revision. After calling 3 peepo, finally realise have to sub zero to get the ans, gosh! :/

Revision only lasted awhile, like 1hr maybe? I'm slightly guilty about my slackyness, hm. Online again to play restaurant city. Trade ingredients and deco abit here and there, just to kill boredom. Jk ask me trade w/ ty but I'm so lazy 'cause his msn contact always like below below. I lazy horhhs? c[:

I'm still bored now & so typing in my blog eh. Tmr emaths ppr2 is a goner manzxc. I can't do emaths w/ confidence. Awwwws.

Nothing more to update about.

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