Yoz peepo. I'm going to update with my new lappy, like finally. I've recovered from my fever/headache caused by dumb sore throat. Damn the weather much! >:( I used to survive w/o water for hours but now the weather can just kill me yeah? :( :( :( Really, due to this, I've to retake cll & maths test.
FML rightttttttttttttt? :( I apparantly failed my maths 'cause I was headache-ing during the f.math test which only consist of 3 qns. How pathetic can I get? & I'm the
o n l y failure in my class, wtf. :/ I didn't went to school on when the rest took the cll test so.. had to retake but I guess it's the same qns? I hope.. 'cause I'm so not good at memorising chinese & those free response qns just can make me fail or smth. Okayyyyyyyyyyyy, all this things make me unhappy but really.. today is
more-than-okay! :)
Pepper lunch > Alice In Wonderland > Starbucks *loves* :D :D :D
First time going out with jj friends - Sihui, Jerlin & Sammini. They're great fun & not to mention, we gossiped a lot & I repeated my o lvl story for the
dontknowhowmanytimesalready. LOL. I reached home around 10 plus with no mood to study for my tests tmr. How? I'll try to study soon
but I doubt so? :s I'm sooooooooo looooooking forward to MARCH HOLIDAYS! Teehee! xP I also need to go
shoppingggggggggggg, yes!!! Okay, I'm a shopaholic, so what? ;)
Abrupt end but.. Adios for now.. :)