How about some videos? LOL.
HAPPY TREE FRIENDS COOL RIGHT? :D Okay, I'm just super duper bored! :x
all I want to know is whether I'm your one and only.
Let's talk about today. I woke up as early as 5am so as to meet jieling & let her copy my ss homework(which is mostly copied from junyi). :/ I managed to did some copyin' of chem too. In the end, I didn't even rmb to hand up my chem & I forget to bring one of my ss worksheet. I had to went home to look for it & use it for remedials. Chem, I had pratical. Ms Wong said something that part of the marks will be included in CA & I'm deaddddd. I couldn't get the damn solution & ended up writing white ppt for almost all my observations. Soooooo deaddddd! D:
The above paragraph is super disorganised siol, z.
There's basically so much going on in school today & I'm so lazy to post every part of today. It would be pretty lengthy, don't ya' think so? Hehehes! :) After school, I hang out w/ jieling & syu. Syu is violent/angry when she have mood swings. & me? I emo when I've mood swings. My mood swing better right? At least never hurt peepo mah! :) We keep havin' conver on various topics. Syu & I both think that raymond thong's voice v.unique & his smile is *thumbs up*. Hahahas, what a cool conclusion but do I like him? Hmmmmm.. *wonders*
I'm lazy lazy lazy. End.