Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Emotions overflowing.
Yes, the emotions within me are overflowin'.
Good or bad? *ponders*
School reopen & homework is gettin' more.
My workload just increased as I bought 3 tys for 3 different subj.!
After school went to jp w/ aishah & syu.
Met jk, marcus, jq, greg, so met luh.
We had a so-called session for countin' $, abit confusin' & stuff.
Ate my dinner @ banquet aftermath w/ syu & aishah.
I want to stop postin' now.
Not in the moooooooooood, not going to break down but bye.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Bugis! (L)

Mornin', I met Syu to go lib to study.
Didn't meet Mr Tay, just don't wna go school lah & I DID have the form! :x
Ate murtabak & it was such a big plate.
I only managed to ate 3/4 of it.
Then, after doing some stupid chem questions, we went to jp to slack luh.
Basically, we both found a 'cartshop' thingy that sell what we both like, cool! :)
Afterwards, Syu went home & I met up w/ Jiayi.
Trained to bugis, we both listenin' to our own ipods & didn't really talk much.
Ate my lunch @ food function in bugis.
I was still full, seriously.
Actually didn't want to eat but in the end gave in to the temptation of the food.
Ate my kimchi soup w/ rice, fab enough for me.
I found out that Jiayi watch absolute boyfriend(j.drama).
She prefer the main lead but i prefer the manager(picture above)! :)
I was like uber full after eatin' my lunch luh.
Anyw, we proceeded to bugis street to get our stuffs.
I bought a knee length pants & a silicone casin' for my ipod.
I think it's pretty worth it 'cause both also I like lahhhhs, hahahas! :D
Jiayi bought a t-shirt & a belt in the end.
I really thought she should buy the vintage bangles too, so prettaye luh.
The owners of that shop seems to take part in the watsons competition.
How cool is that lahhhhs? *wowwwwws*
We promised to go back to bugis tgt soon.
Me - Buy the shoes & try that dress.
Jiayi - Buy the specs & bangles. (hopefully)
Both - Try the wigs! It's somehow fun, LOL!
HSH & had my dinner.
I'm still f.full, wth? -.-
Tmr shall be my homework day.
Pray & pray I'll not get distracted & stuff luh.
I want to get my homework completed canzxc?
Pray for me too. *laughs*
Bye! :DDD
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Ain't nothing we can do.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Empty promises.
I hate empty promises! D:
That's not a good way to start a post right? Oh well ...
I'm here to give a proper update on my life.
Physics remedial ltr on, I know it's going to suckzxc luh, z! :/
I didn't even complete his work, ltr going to school to do it.
Hopefully, I can complete it lah horh. *cross fingers & toes*
Yeah, recently obessesed w/ japanese guys.
Why? 'Cause they are goddamn hot what, they got me trippin', LOL!
I'm almost complete w/ all my homework too.
However, this holiday passes way too fast.
I didn't managed to do much of revision + I got myself addicted to j.drama.
Goshhhhhhh, how? ._.
As for my blogskin, I'm too lazy to search for one I like.
I don't think I will be updatin' v.often due to my laziness. (Duh!)
BUT I'll be plurkin' damn often 'cause I don't want karma to drop, hehehes! :)
Songs will be updated when I'm bored/free.
Anyw, going to bugis this week w/ jiayi.
I need clothes! I need to shop! I need to enjoy the last of holidays! :)
Hope there will be smth that catches my eye & not let it be a wasted trip.
Endin' here. *waves*
That's not a good way to start a post right? Oh well ...
I'm here to give a proper update on my life.
Physics remedial ltr on, I know it's going to suckzxc luh, z! :/
I didn't even complete his work, ltr going to school to do it.
Hopefully, I can complete it lah horh. *cross fingers & toes*
Yeah, recently obessesed w/ japanese guys.
Why? 'Cause they are goddamn hot what, they got me trippin', LOL!
I'm almost complete w/ all my homework too.
However, this holiday passes way too fast.
I didn't managed to do much of revision + I got myself addicted to j.drama.
Goshhhhhhh, how? ._.
As for my blogskin, I'm too lazy to search for one I like.
I don't think I will be updatin' v.often due to my laziness. (Duh!)
BUT I'll be plurkin' damn often 'cause I don't want karma to drop, hehehes! :)
Songs will be updated when I'm bored/free.
Anyw, going to bugis this week w/ jiayi.
I need clothes! I need to shop! I need to enjoy the last of holidays! :)
Hope there will be smth that catches my eye & not let it be a wasted trip.
Endin' here. *waves*
Monday, June 22, 2009

I'm totally sick of p.physics manzxc.
It wears me down mentally & physically.
All my guesses are usually spot-on so why study? :/
The more I study, the more unmotivated I get towards physics.
Thank god for my current obessesion - JAPANESE GUYS! :D
They are so so so goddamn hot, gosh! v.v
I'm sleepy now. *yawnzxc*
Wo yao 'zzz' le luh, night-y night night!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Japanese guys are hot! :D

He handsome lahhhhhhhs, awwwws! :DDD

I'm envious of the female lead, hahahas! XD

Okay, as you can see I'm totally obssessed w/ japanese guys!
There's more but I don't know what is their names luh, pekcek luh! :/
Off to watch more japanese drama, buaii! v.vP.S. There's smth wrong w/ th alignment, sad-ed.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Drag me to hell.
Day started w/ studyin' @ library.
Well, lots of peepo came luh.
I was able to do/copy most of the questions/answers, yayness! :)
I was effin' agitated by the physics qns luh, aiyoh.
The librarian also sucks much lah.
Then got some stupid rule that cannot study @ library. KNN right? -.-
Proceeded to shoppin' @ jp.
Seriously, jp is gettin' boring-er like toot manzxc.
Aishah & I decided to go watch the movie, drag me to hell.
Oh yah, I still really can't find any nice haversack for school, shucks! :/
Drag me to hell is not tormentin' to the main character but to the audience luh.
The sound effects are tooooooo good lah, so sudden too.
I think the make up artist also not bad lah but sound effect win! :)
The story abit sick luh, always eyes come out lahhhhh, z.
The theatre was full of laughter & not screams luh, so stylo horh? :DDD
HSH now.
I'm like so not in the mood for cca tmr but no choice abit eh.
Okay, hope like tmr cca will pass by quick quick & asap.
Early dismissal best lah horh, LOL.
Well, lots of peepo came luh.
I was able to do/copy most of the questions/answers, yayness! :)
I was effin' agitated by the physics qns luh, aiyoh.
The librarian also sucks much lah.
Then got some stupid rule that cannot study @ library. KNN right? -.-
Proceeded to shoppin' @ jp.
Seriously, jp is gettin' boring-er like toot manzxc.
Aishah & I decided to go watch the movie, drag me to hell.
Oh yah, I still really can't find any nice haversack for school, shucks! :/
Drag me to hell is not tormentin' to the main character but to the audience luh.
The sound effects are tooooooo good lah, so sudden too.
I think the make up artist also not bad lah but sound effect win! :)
The story abit sick luh, always eyes come out lahhhhh, z.
The theatre was full of laughter & not screams luh, so stylo horh? :DDD
HSH now.
I'm like so not in the mood for cca tmr but no choice abit eh.
Okay, hope like tmr cca will pass by quick quick & asap.
Early dismissal best lah horh, LOL.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Quiz time! :)
I'm bored so what I do? Read peepo's blogs!
In the end I realise cl's blog got quiz & maybe I'm supposed to do the quiz?
I don't know but I'm going to do it anyway 'cause I'm bored right now.
Hehehehehehehes! Quiz! :)
1. Besides lips, where is your spot to get kissed?
Eh? ._.
2. How do you feel when you woke up this morning?
Homework must do liao, sianzxc.
3. Who was that last person you talked with?
4. Would you consider yourself spoiled?
Doubt so.
5. Would you donate blood?
Don't know but I can't anyw.
6. Have you ever have a best friend who opposite sex?
Hm, I don't ever have a best friend?
7. Do you want someone dead?
Maybe the one that come up w/ the idea of homework? :/
8. What does the last message says?
Lazy to check my hp leh.
9.What are you thinking now?
Should I buy bag anot?! Arghzxc.
10. Do you wish someone with you right now?
Yeah, maybe someone.
11. What time you went to bed last night?
Stm, forget le. About 12am?
14. Who was the last person you texted?
Either ty or jk bah.
15. 10 people tagged to do quiz.
( You don't really have to do it if you don't want to.)
1. Amira
2. Juwika
3. Marcus
4. Jun Long
5. Wen Xuan
6. XiuRu
7. CaiLing
8. Jun Yi
9. Pauline
10. Hilary
Note: So randomised manzxc.
16. Who is 2 having relationship?
No idea! ._.
17. Is 3 a female?
18. If 7 and 6 get together,would it be a good thing?
Don't think les is a good thing, lawls!
19. What is 1 studying about?
Don't know leh.
20. What was the last time you chatted with 5?
Ytd night bah.
21. Is 4 single?
22. Say something about 2?
Wna be lawyer? LOL.
23. What do You think of 3 and 6 being together?
Cannot lah, lawls.
24. What do You think if 6 and 7 fight?
They won't fight luh.
25. Do You like 3?
Like as a friend luh.
1. Last beverage: Orange Juice.
2. Last phone call: Syuhadah.
3. Last text message: Ty/Jk
4. Last song You listened to: Cl's blog song! :)
5. Last time You cried: STM.
6. Dated someone twice: ???
7. Been cheated on: Don't know?
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Eh? ._.
9. Lost someone special: Nope.
10. Been depressed: Depressed? Over bag? LOL.
11. Been drunk and threw up: Nope.
12. Grey
13. Black
14. White
15. Made a new friend: Think so.
16. Laughed until You cried: Of course!
17. Met someone who changed You: Don't know eh.
18. Found out who Your true friends were: Long time I know le?
19. Found out someone was talking about You: Yeah, so?
20. How many kids do You want to have: ZERO.
21. Do You have pets: Nope.
22. Do You want to change Your name: No, I love my common name
23. What did You do for Your last birthdae: Many things! :D
24. What time did You wake up today: Around noon bah?
25. What were You doing at midnight last night: Either sms-ing or sleepin'.
26. Name something You CANNOT wait for: O level to end.
27. Last time You saw Your Mother: Ytd night.
28. What is one thing You wish You could change about Your life: *wonders*.
29. What are You listening to right now: Cl's blog song(still).
30. Have You ever talked to a person named Tom: No.
31. Who is getting on Your nerves right now: No one, yay.
32. Most visited webpage: Hm, clicknetwork or something.
33. Whats Your real name: Goh Evelyn. (Duh!)
34. Nicknames: Many many.
35. Relationship Status: Single & Complicated?
36. Zodiac sign?: Gemini!
37. Male or female?: Female lahhhs.
38. Elementary?: JWPS
39. Middle School?: BLSS
40. High school/college?: Ite? :/
41. Hair colour: Dark brown bah.
42. Long or short: Long.
43. What do You like about Yourself?: Nothing much.
44. Piercings: Ear piercings only.
45. Tattoos: Not really interested.
46. Righty or lefty: Righty.
47. First surgery: None yet, phewwww.
48. First piercing: Ear?
49. First best friend(s): None really.
50. First sport You joined: Huh?!
51. First vacation: Star cruise.
52. First pair of trainers: Stm yo!
53. Eating: Nothing right now.
54. Drinking: Nothing right now.
55. I'm about to: Slack like hell! :D
56. Listening to: Nothing right now.
57. Waiting on: ???
58. Want kids?: NO.
59. Get Married?: NO.
60. Career?:Ltr decide luh.
61. Lips or eyes: Eyes.
62. Hugs or kisses: Hugs.
63. Shorter or taller: Taller.
64. Older or Younger: Don't matter manzxc.
65. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic?
66. Nice stomach or nice arms: Don't matter manzxc.
67. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive.
68. Hook-up or relationship: Hook-up sounds tempting luh! LOL.
69. Trouble maker or hesitant: Troublemaker.
70. Kissed a stranger: Nope.
71. Drank hard liquor: No.
72. Lost glasses/contacts:Nope.
73. Sex on first date: No.
74. Broken someone's heart: How I know
75. Been arrested: Nope
76. Turned someone down: Yes.
77. Yourself: No.
78. Miracles: Maybe?
79. Love at first sight: Maybe.
80. Heaven: Yesh.
81. Santa Claus: Nope.
82. Angels: No, maybe in my dreams.
83. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boifriend at a time: Nah.
84. Did you sing today?: Nah
85. Ever cheated on somebody?: Eh?
86. If You could go back in time, how far would You go?: No idea manzxc.
87. If You could pick a day from last Year and relive it, what would it be?: Eh? Don't know.
88. Are You afraid of falling in love?: Abit luh
89. Posting this as?: Quiz time! :)
90. Truths: ???
91. Love Yourself?: See my mood luh. Hahahas!
I think there's some missing questions & it's a uber long quiz right?
Oh well, that's all for this post, tatas! :D
In the end I realise cl's blog got quiz & maybe I'm supposed to do the quiz?
I don't know but I'm going to do it anyway 'cause I'm bored right now.
Hehehehehehehes! Quiz! :)
1. Besides lips, where is your spot to get kissed?
Eh? ._.
2. How do you feel when you woke up this morning?
Homework must do liao, sianzxc.
3. Who was that last person you talked with?
4. Would you consider yourself spoiled?
Doubt so.
5. Would you donate blood?
Don't know but I can't anyw.
6. Have you ever have a best friend who opposite sex?
Hm, I don't ever have a best friend?
7. Do you want someone dead?
Maybe the one that come up w/ the idea of homework? :/
8. What does the last message says?
Lazy to check my hp leh.
9.What are you thinking now?
Should I buy bag anot?! Arghzxc.
10. Do you wish someone with you right now?
Yeah, maybe someone.
11. What time you went to bed last night?
Stm, forget le. About 12am?
14. Who was the last person you texted?
Either ty or jk bah.
15. 10 people tagged to do quiz.
( You don't really have to do it if you don't want to.)
1. Amira
2. Juwika
3. Marcus
4. Jun Long
5. Wen Xuan
6. XiuRu
7. CaiLing
8. Jun Yi
9. Pauline
10. Hilary
Note: So randomised manzxc.
16. Who is 2 having relationship?
No idea! ._.
17. Is 3 a female?
18. If 7 and 6 get together,would it be a good thing?
Don't think les is a good thing, lawls!
19. What is 1 studying about?
Don't know leh.
20. What was the last time you chatted with 5?
Ytd night bah.
21. Is 4 single?
22. Say something about 2?
Wna be lawyer? LOL.
23. What do You think of 3 and 6 being together?
Cannot lah, lawls.
24. What do You think if 6 and 7 fight?
They won't fight luh.
25. Do You like 3?
Like as a friend luh.
1. Last beverage: Orange Juice.
2. Last phone call: Syuhadah.
3. Last text message: Ty/Jk
4. Last song You listened to: Cl's blog song! :)
5. Last time You cried: STM.
6. Dated someone twice: ???
7. Been cheated on: Don't know?
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Eh? ._.
9. Lost someone special: Nope.
10. Been depressed: Depressed? Over bag? LOL.
11. Been drunk and threw up: Nope.
12. Grey
13. Black
14. White
15. Made a new friend: Think so.
16. Laughed until You cried: Of course!
17. Met someone who changed You: Don't know eh.
18. Found out who Your true friends were: Long time I know le?
19. Found out someone was talking about You: Yeah, so?
20. How many kids do You want to have: ZERO.
21. Do You have pets: Nope.
22. Do You want to change Your name: No, I love my common name
23. What did You do for Your last birthdae: Many things! :D
24. What time did You wake up today: Around noon bah?
25. What were You doing at midnight last night: Either sms-ing or sleepin'.
26. Name something You CANNOT wait for: O level to end.
27. Last time You saw Your Mother: Ytd night.
28. What is one thing You wish You could change about Your life: *wonders*.
29. What are You listening to right now: Cl's blog song(still).
30. Have You ever talked to a person named Tom: No.
31. Who is getting on Your nerves right now: No one, yay.
32. Most visited webpage: Hm, clicknetwork or something.
33. Whats Your real name: Goh Evelyn. (Duh!)
34. Nicknames: Many many.
35. Relationship Status: Single & Complicated?
36. Zodiac sign?: Gemini!
37. Male or female?: Female lahhhs.
38. Elementary?: JWPS
39. Middle School?: BLSS
40. High school/college?: Ite? :/
41. Hair colour: Dark brown bah.
42. Long or short: Long.
43. What do You like about Yourself?: Nothing much.
44. Piercings: Ear piercings only.
45. Tattoos: Not really interested.
46. Righty or lefty: Righty.
47. First surgery: None yet, phewwww.
48. First piercing: Ear?
49. First best friend(s): None really.
50. First sport You joined: Huh?!
51. First vacation: Star cruise.
52. First pair of trainers: Stm yo!
53. Eating: Nothing right now.
54. Drinking: Nothing right now.
55. I'm about to: Slack like hell! :D
56. Listening to: Nothing right now.
57. Waiting on: ???
58. Want kids?: NO.
59. Get Married?: NO.
60. Career?:Ltr decide luh.
61. Lips or eyes: Eyes.
62. Hugs or kisses: Hugs.
63. Shorter or taller: Taller.
64. Older or Younger: Don't matter manzxc.
65. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic?
66. Nice stomach or nice arms: Don't matter manzxc.
67. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive.
68. Hook-up or relationship: Hook-up sounds tempting luh! LOL.
69. Trouble maker or hesitant: Troublemaker.
70. Kissed a stranger: Nope.
71. Drank hard liquor: No.
72. Lost glasses/contacts:Nope.
73. Sex on first date: No.
74. Broken someone's heart: How I know
75. Been arrested: Nope
76. Turned someone down: Yes.
77. Yourself: No.
78. Miracles: Maybe?
79. Love at first sight: Maybe.
80. Heaven: Yesh.
81. Santa Claus: Nope.
82. Angels: No, maybe in my dreams.
83. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boifriend at a time: Nah.
84. Did you sing today?: Nah
85. Ever cheated on somebody?: Eh?
86. If You could go back in time, how far would You go?: No idea manzxc.
87. If You could pick a day from last Year and relive it, what would it be?: Eh? Don't know.
88. Are You afraid of falling in love?: Abit luh
89. Posting this as?: Quiz time! :)
90. Truths: ???
91. Love Yourself?: See my mood luh. Hahahas!
I think there's some missing questions & it's a uber long quiz right?
Oh well, that's all for this post, tatas! :D
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Fcuk, I could use more $ know.
Apparantly, my so-called birthday money can be used up easily.
Money for haversack(schoolbag again!).
Money for earpiece/headphone, I haven't decided, really.
Money for shopping on clothes and food, of course! :)
Ytd, I was chattin' about this issue w/ a friend and guess what?
I realise I could do w/ more $. No joke! Hahahas!
Money, please fall from the sky like, right now? :/
Impossible norh, awwwws ...
Schedule for this week:
Sat, today - relative's house
Sun - Sakae Sushi w/ family, finally! :D Outing too.
Mon - Who wna go out? c[:
Tue - Outing w/ pri schl friends.
Wed to Fri - Homework, I've so many untouched homework! *gasps!*
Please please do not expect me to blog anymore for this week.
Why? I'm motherfcukin' lazy, z.
Byebyebye! :D
Apparantly, my so-called birthday money can be used up easily.
Money for haversack(schoolbag again!).
Money for earpiece/headphone, I haven't decided, really.
Money for shopping on clothes and food, of course! :)
Ytd, I was chattin' about this issue w/ a friend and guess what?
I realise I could do w/ more $. No joke! Hahahas!
Money, please fall from the sky like, right now? :/
Impossible norh, awwwws ...
Schedule for this week:
Sat, today - relative's house
Sun - Sakae Sushi w/ family, finally! :D Outing too.
Mon - Who wna go out? c[:
Tue - Outing w/ pri schl friends.
Wed to Fri - Homework, I've so many untouched homework! *gasps!*
Please please do not expect me to blog anymore for this week.
Why? I'm motherfcukin' lazy, z.
Byebyebye! :D
Friday, June 12, 2009
Chic Blogskin?
I just have to post for the 2nd time of the day.
I don't know why, like please do not ask me that question, tyvm.
Yup, a new blogskin, a new look for my blog.
I just got really sick of the previous blogskin & I'm lazy to search.
I'm just using the template and editting/customising it to suit ME! :D
"lovehatelovehatelovehatelovehate" ...
Cool eh? :DDD
You peepo can ignore the comment function 'cause I think you won't use it.
I mean why would you want to when my tagbox is so lovely? LOL! :D
Just kiddin' manzxc! c[:
There is really nothing for me to rant/update about, like sweaaaar! :/
Byebye, I'll miss you peepo v.much oh!(like real *laughs*)
I don't know why, like please do not ask me that question, tyvm.
Yup, a new blogskin, a new look for my blog.
I just got really sick of the previous blogskin & I'm lazy to search.
I'm just using the template and editting/customising it to suit ME! :D
"lovehatelovehatelovehatelovehate" ...
Cool eh? :DDD
You peepo can ignore the comment function 'cause I think you won't use it.
I mean why would you want to when my tagbox is so lovely? LOL! :D
Just kiddin' manzxc! c[:
There is really nothing for me to rant/update about, like sweaaaar! :/
Byebye, I'll miss you peepo v.much oh!(like real *laughs*)
Chick vs. Dick.
I'm addicted to that series of chick vs. dick manzxc!
It's like totally nonsense but so crappily funny know.
Keep me laughing for idk, a long time?
Anyway, today I went out w/ Aishah & Syu.
Alot of funny things happen today & ytd eh.
See Aishah's face made me feel like laughin' luh, LOL.
I didn't do anything related to studies.
All I did was read my book, yayness!
Peepo, give me money 'cause I wna go shoppin'!
I don't know what to post about le ...
$$$$$$$$$$$, bye!
It's like totally nonsense but so crappily funny know.
Keep me laughing for idk, a long time?
Anyway, today I went out w/ Aishah & Syu.
Alot of funny things happen today & ytd eh.
See Aishah's face made me feel like laughin' luh, LOL.
I didn't do anything related to studies.
All I did was read my book, yayness!
Peepo, give me money 'cause I wna go shoppin'!
I don't know what to post about le ...
$$$$$$$$$$$, bye!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Cravingggggs! D:
Sakae Sushi, Ban Mian, Steak, Chocolates ... & many more apparantly.
What's w/ me? D:
I'm dyin' to go out out out - shop & eat till I drop.
Sakae Sushi, Ban Mian, Steak, Chocolates ... & many more apparantly.
What's w/ me? D:
I'm dyin' to go out out out - shop & eat till I drop.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Close those eyes.
Hey! :D
I've more or less recovered from my fever. *cheers* However, I've got sore throat or smth that makes me cough non-stop & my heart will be beatin' damn fast. Scary know! :/ I wna recover & spent my holidays going out, playing online friends & even studyin'! I just don't want to be sick now alright?
Ytd had beach cleanin', for less than 1 hour but cher say the class could clock in more hours. Great! Moreover, got pizza & ______ ! :D Okay, so maybe I didn't eat much of pizza 'cause I don't want to worsen my cough what. Home-ed w/ xh, damn damn damn fun & the scenery was fab! :) Conclusion: Ytd was overall, GREAT.
Now, I'm cravin' for ban mian.
&, I wna shoppppppp to destress or smth.
I've more or less recovered from my fever. *cheers* However, I've got sore throat or smth that makes me cough non-stop & my heart will be beatin' damn fast. Scary know! :/ I wna recover & spent my holidays going out, playing online friends & even studyin'! I just don't want to be sick now alright?
Ytd had beach cleanin', for less than 1 hour but cher say the class could clock in more hours. Great! Moreover, got pizza & ______ ! :D Okay, so maybe I didn't eat much of pizza 'cause I don't want to worsen my cough what. Home-ed w/ xh, damn damn damn fun & the scenery was fab! :) Conclusion: Ytd was overall, GREAT.
Now, I'm cravin' for ban mian.
&, I wna shoppppppp to destress or smth.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
High fever.
I beat my own record. Last time, my highest temperature was 39 (I think?) and today I hit 40. Cool horh? Not! :/ Sibei xin ku & I've to cancel my outin' w/ JieLing, wth? :( The more I sleep, the more the temperature won't drop, aiyoh! What's more, so sick le still have to go school hand up stuff, boo! D:
I hope I recover soon manzxc, I hate drinkin' plain water! D:
I hope I recover soon manzxc, I hate drinkin' plain water! D:
Friday, June 5, 2009
Happy Birthday to me! :D
I'm officially sexteen sixteen! c[:
Firstly, thanks to all who wished me! :D
First thing in the mornin', I was tryin' to reach schl & complete my physics hmwrk. Then saw peepo like ty & marcus. I didn't really do much too, z. I'm sleeeeepy like hell today! :/ Physics remedial keep stand w/ sf. She play badminton liao then become so bad in her studies. Now I know why her mum don't let her play last time. LOL.
HSH! Like finally luh. Physics gave me a headache & I think I'm going to sleep soon. I guess I'll be pass-up-ing my physics spa file tmr w/ chem hmwrk.
Sleeeeptimeeee! :)
Firstly, thanks to all who wished me! :D
First thing in the mornin', I was tryin' to reach schl & complete my physics hmwrk. Then saw peepo like ty & marcus. I didn't really do much too, z. I'm sleeeeepy like hell today! :/ Physics remedial keep stand w/ sf. She play badminton liao then become so bad in her studies. Now I know why her mum don't let her play last time. LOL.
HSH! Like finally luh. Physics gave me a headache & I think I'm going to sleep soon. I guess I'll be pass-up-ing my physics spa file tmr w/ chem hmwrk.
Sleeeeptimeeee! :)
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I'm sleepy.
I'm tired.
I'm lethargic.
Frankly, I've been so sleepy since ytd manzxc. I'm so sleepy that I can't even bother to post. Whose fault? JUNKAI! :( Okay, maybe partially the hair dryer fault? -.-
Anyway, ytd went to watch Night At The Musuem 2 w/ Syu & Aishah. It was a damn damn damn nice show! Swear! :DDDDDD I love the cupids, the songs they sang were real good and so cute at times. I think Aishah like those cupids too. Syu? She's in love w/ able, hehehes! :) Ytd was mainly a effin' confusin' & tirin' day for me.
Today, I keep smellin' not nice things like paint, smoke and varnish! Arghzxc! :( I also haven't recover from my sleepyness. Darn it! I've physics homework to do & please, I'm too lazy for that. I'm not in the mood, so there! *hmph*
What the toot, nth more to update about so tatas! :)
I'm tired.
I'm lethargic.
Frankly, I've been so sleepy since ytd manzxc. I'm so sleepy that I can't even bother to post. Whose fault? JUNKAI! :( Okay, maybe partially the hair dryer fault? -.-
Anyway, ytd went to watch Night At The Musuem 2 w/ Syu & Aishah. It was a damn damn damn nice show! Swear! :DDDDDD I love the cupids, the songs they sang were real good and so cute at times. I think Aishah like those cupids too. Syu? She's in love w/ able, hehehes! :) Ytd was mainly a effin' confusin' & tirin' day for me.
Today, I keep smellin' not nice things like paint, smoke and varnish! Arghzxc! :( I also haven't recover from my sleepyness. Darn it! I've physics homework to do & please, I'm too lazy for that. I'm not in the mood, so there! *hmph*
What the toot, nth more to update about so tatas! :)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Nobody can break me except you.
'Ello peepo. I don't really know what to post about today 'cause not v.excitin' day, I think? Today, keep hot and cold temperature, esp. during cs lesson. That LAN room is super duper COLD! I wish I'm at the LAN room now 'cause I'm super super sweatin'! Arghzxc! :(
I think Syu was super missin' her for some reason. Syu & I were both talkin' about Aishah most of the time today, like what an impact Aishah made on Syu. LOL. I still dk what happen to her siol! :/
P.S. Thanks for that wake-up sms! :)
P.S.S. Should I go watch movie tmr? *ponders*
End of my lovely lovely post. Okay, it wasn't really lovely. Whatever lah horh, byebye! :D
P.S. Thanks for that wake-up sms! :)
P.S.S. Should I go watch movie tmr? *ponders*
End of my lovely lovely post. Okay, it wasn't really lovely. Whatever lah horh, byebye! :D
Monday, June 1, 2009
Yoyoyoyoyo! :)
I've taken mother tongue 'o' level paper 1 & 2. Let's just hope everyone can obtain a B3 of higher luh. This mornin' I got dream siol, a funny/stupid dream. I dreamt that I got a1 for all my subjects & sf also. Then like sf ask me which school I'm going to, so I said ITE & I woke up, z. I wna know her response right? Sooooo aiyoh! ._.
I got super hungry because of some peepo luh. Yeah, when I'm super hungry, I get super siao like toot, I know canzxc! -.-
I think alot of embarrassin' stuff happened to me today but some book said it was part of boostin' my self-esteem. So, yup, it's suppose to be a good thing. Hahahas! :) Until now, still haven't found anyone that supports me goin' to ite luh. I think I should heed Syu's advice to ask Raymond Thong? Or was it Aishah's advice? *wonders* Also, Aishah keep choosin' the "bad" options. Well, I think Aishah feel abit like pekcek over my actions today 'cause keep ask me shut up siol. Bully only, chehhs! There's actually a lot more stuff that happen today but ...
I've many things to do today - important & unimportant things.
Yeah, so, adios! :)
Quiz of the day:
If you could be any animal, what would you be?
A) Pig
B) Dragon
C) Horse
D) Ox
(Answers ask from me lah horh, your choice represents your views about love right now. From what I think, it's true for the majority. LOL.)
I've taken mother tongue 'o' level paper 1 & 2. Let's just hope everyone can obtain a B3 of higher luh. This mornin' I got dream siol, a funny/stupid dream. I dreamt that I got a1 for all my subjects & sf also. Then like sf ask me which school I'm going to, so I said ITE & I woke up, z. I wna know her response right? Sooooo aiyoh! ._.
I got super hungry because of some peepo luh. Yeah, when I'm super hungry, I get super siao like toot, I know canzxc! -.-
I think alot of embarrassin' stuff happened to me today but some book said it was part of boostin' my self-esteem. So, yup, it's suppose to be a good thing. Hahahas! :) Until now, still haven't found anyone that supports me goin' to ite luh. I think I should heed Syu's advice to ask Raymond Thong? Or was it Aishah's advice? *wonders* Also, Aishah keep choosin' the "bad" options. Well, I think Aishah feel abit like pekcek over my actions today 'cause keep ask me shut up siol. Bully only, chehhs! There's actually a lot more stuff that happen today but ...
I've many things to do today - important & unimportant things.
Yeah, so, adios! :)
Quiz of the day:
If you could be any animal, what would you be?
A) Pig
B) Dragon
C) Horse
D) Ox
(Answers ask from me lah horh, your choice represents your views about love right now. From what I think, it's true for the majority. LOL.)
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